Astrology Readings

How Astrology Reading Works?

Astrology is a language of connectivity, as above, so below, as within, so without. It is also one of the most enduring esoteric wisdom traditions, with roots tracing back over thousands of years.

Looking at the unique blueprint of your chart and the changing sky we can identify the evolutionary patterns, challenges, stories and gifts woven in your life.

I also bring the chart into the body, inviting a direct experience of these forces to help you integrate the mythic, psychological and symbolic power of Astrology into supportive and powerful agents for change.

Astrology Sessions Types

Chart & Transits | 75 min - Online | $130 USD

🔸Gain insight into life themes, opportunities, and challenges.
🔸Explore upcoming planetary transits affecting key areas of your life.
🔸Ideal for long-term planning or answering specific life questions.

A perfect first reading, the bread and butter session. We get to know your chart and explore the transits influencing what matter’s most to you. Also great if you want to dive into a specific question or get a long range view on the cycles of coming months and years even.

The Pluto reading. | 60 min - Online | $115 USD

🔸Learn how Pluto’s transits activate deep healing, death, and rebirth cycles in your life.
🔸Especially relevant if you have planets in Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, or Scorpio.
🔸Helpful for those working with plant medicine, shadow work, or major life transitions.

Pluto is the heavy hitting transformational God of death and rebirth and his transits are a once in 250 year chance for mega evolution. Currently he is transiting from Capricorn where he has been since 2008 into Aquarius where he will be for the next 20 years. This transfer of POWER is something that when consciously worked with can illuminate our most potent ability to navigate the seemingly destructive process of metamorphosis. If you have planets in Cap or Aquarius or any of the fixed signs being Leo, Taurus and Scorpio this may be especially useful. I will also add Pluto is the planetary ally of Ayahuasca, Mushrooms and is usually very present for those working with these medicines. This reading will look at your natal (generational Pluto) and Pluto by transit plus the other planets and life cycle transits being drawn into the orb of his influence.

Passion & Purpose | 60 min - Online | $115 USD

🔸Find out which planetary energies fuel your inspiration and expansion.
🔸Learn the best timing for new ventures, career shifts, and creative projects.
🔸Perfect for business owners, entrepreneurs, and those seeking new direction.

Highlighting placements that get you turned on, inspired and expanded. These are the currents of good luck, natural flow and evolutionary impulse that get you in positive alignment with the cosmos. We explore the essence of these points and any upcoming transits activating their potential. Especially helpful for business people, making plans or shifting out of a stagnant patch. Good vibes, blessing forces and lucky stars! We examine your chart ruler, annual profections and then turn to Jupiter and your most “well aspected” placements and transits to map out the path of least resistance and max creative juice.

Cosmic Love | 60 min - Online | $115 USD

🔸Understand your Venus & Mars placements and how they shape romance & attraction.
🔸Identify patterns in relationships, soul connections, and emotional intimacy.
🔸Receive guidance on upcoming love transits and key relationship timing.

Let’s look at your inner lover and the way sex, romance and intimacy shows up in your chart. The way you give and receive and the values guiding you into more delicious, conscious and healing connections. We explore the intersection of personal and transpersonal love - “God’s love in human form”. And identify timing for hot romance, lasting love and dissolving any patterns that no longer serve.

Lilith & Inanna | 90 min - Online | $150 USD

🔸Explore the four Lilith placements in your chart and their mythic codes.
🔸Decode your Venus by sign and phase to reveal deeper layers of your feminine current.
🔸Perfect for those on an initiatory journey into dark feminine archetypal wisdom.

Designed to accompany Black Moon Rising, the self paced Lilith Ritual Journey but also available as a stand alone session. We explore the 4 dimensions of Lilith in your chart plus the nuances of your natal Venus. Weaving together a soul-focused, multi-dimensional picture of the feminine initiatory current in your chart.

Astro Quickie | 30 min - Recording | $60 USD

🔸Send an specific question and you will receive a 30-minute audio recording with Charts within 24 hours on business days.
🔸Ideal for tracking planetary cycles, lunar phases, or quick guidance on key areas.
🔸Recorded - For returning clients only.

Ask me a question and I will send you a 30 minute recorded deep dive into the nuts and bolts of the subject, great for tracking specific planetary cycles or themes in your life and staying tuned to the astro flow.

The Venus Pack | 3 x 75 min | $500 USD

🔸 Track and connect with the 18-month evolutionary cycle of Venus from morning to evening star.
🔸 Explore three key phases: retrograde, underworld, and evening star, revealing the unique evolutionary opportunities in your chart.
🔸 Deep transformational experience, perfect for those wishing to dive deeper into astrology, feminine arts, or heal long-standing issues with sensuality, relationships, creativity, and abundance.
🔸 By aplication only.

Designed to help you track the transformative power of Venus in your life, this journey unfolds over three 75-minute sessions. Together, we commune with your unique feminine current, deeply witnessing your evolution as Venus guides you from the inside out.

BONUS: I will also prepare and perform a personalized ritual on your behalf at a precise moment in the Venus cycle to amplify her benefic qualities in your life. This reading requires you to complete an application form so I can assess the suitability of providing this service to you.

15% Discount on all readings paid for with Bitcoin or Solana contact me to enquire. The future is now.