AYA Healing Retreats is a full-service plant medicine retreat center located outside of Iquitos, Peru, focusing on authentic ayahuasca retreats for people from all walks of life and from over the world. We are staffed by a group of dedicated, safety-conscious professionals with many decades of combined experience with plant medicines, working with native plant medicines, and life in the Amazon.

Ayahuasca retreats are potentially life-changing events for those who commit to attending them and this is what motivates us to give you the best retreat experience available. We host ayahuasca retreats several times throughout the year, making sure that we keep our attendee numbers low for each retreat to ensure a highly attentive and personalized retreat experience for all attendees.

We are blessed and honored to work with a number of curanderos from the Shipibo-Conibo tribe of the Amazonian Basin. The AYA Healing Retreats center is located in the land owned by the curandero family and our philosophy of transformational care is founded in the loving concern that our curanderos have for our retreat attendees and for all life in the world. Our ayahuasca retreats are designed and led by the curanderos, who have worked as traditional healers in their communities for generations.

Trauma Informed Facilitation & Retreat Care

Sancya Luz has been training in Peruvian Curanderismo from the Amazon region of Peru for over a decade. Undergoing many initiations called “dietas” and supporting hundred of individuals in their processes. She has also completed the 85 hour Trauma Informed Plant Medicine Practicioner training with Atira Tan.

She will be the lead facilitator at Aya Healing retreats during the following 2025 retreats.

July 15 – 25 , 2025

August 04 – 14 , 2025

August 25 – September 04, 2025